We are all one



27 days of pure Vital energy

What is the Reiki Cycle?

It is the service of supporting a high energy field, channeling and transmitting Reiki energy in a group to enhance this energy for you who felt called to benefit.

You will be able to receive vital energy from many Reiki masters at once over a 27-day cycle, receiving support to resolve urgent issues and being supported by a group of therapists committed to awakening.

We believe in the power of unity and, therefore, we come together to enhance the transfer of energy to all those who feel the call to receive support on their journey.

Who is the Reiki cycle for?

Think of the Reiki Cycle as an “energy booster” , that is, for those who are feeling that their energy is low, are recovering from an event in which they spent a lot of energy and, at this moment, for some reason, do not feel capable. to raise this energy on your own. We are here to serve and assist you through a cycle. It works like a support cane that must be used sporadically.

If you feel the need for longer follow-up or treatment for more in-depth cases, please connect with one of us therapists here.

The Reiki cycle should not be used continuously for a long period of time. We must learn to walk on our own, and we can only achieve this through self-knowledge and individual work. We continue together!

Some benefits of the Reiki Cycle:

How it works


Complete the registration form


Make a


Open up to receive the energy

Intention to open yourself to receive Reiki energy when you go to bed or lie down at the indicated time every day for 15 minutes.

Receive and be energized by

0 days

We at Sangha Reiki are committed to being a pure channel for you. We will be channeling and sending daily, throughout the entire cycle, the vital energy of Reiki.

What is the purpose of Sangha Reiki?

Our Sangha is where those who seek light dedicate themselves to evolution, both personal and collective, towards transcendence and human progress.

The Reiki Cycle emanates from the core of our Sangha, a current that flows to radiate good.

Energy deliveries are made by donation

Invest in your healing

Our change always begins by taking responsibility for directing energy towards our healing. The more we commit to our process, the more positive results we achieve. Valuing our time and service, as well as that of everyone around us, is an important part of the abundance consciousness process. When we give, we are letting the universe know that we have something to offer, and by universal law, it comes back to us.

We recognize that we live in a world with diverse financial realities, so we leave it open for you to donate whatever exchange energy you can at this time.

Follow your heart, be sincere and always seek peace

Who is supporting the service?

We are a group of individuals committed to awakening, dedicated to healing in ourselves and through us for all humanity.


We are part of a larger energy healing Sangha, in which we were initiated at all levels, up to the Reiki master’s degree, under the guidance of master Noemi Badialli, coming from a pure lineage of this energy.

The lineage

Masters serving at Sangha Reiki

Aline Isaias Carvalho

Aline Marques

Ana Silvia Orsolini Faria Nogueira

Ana Paula Zanin

Ciza Sátia F. Prata

Elen Marques Rodrigues

Fabiana Givigi

Fernanda Costa

Flávia Helena M. Telles

Gabryelle Daghetti

Luana Fernandes Lapa

Luciana Gomes Vaz

Luiza Monteiro Viana

Marcia Mikiko Murakami Jube

Mariela Radov Sanchez

Natalia Mendes Araujo

Nayla Miller

Tainá Paiva Pereira

Tatiane Medeiros

Did you feel called to become a Reiki Therapist or do you want more specific and/or in-person monitoring and treatment?

Search for a Master Therapist in your city here on the therapists page: 

The 5 main fundamentals of Reiki

“just for today, I don’t worry”

“just for today, I don’t get angry or critical”

“just for today, I am gentle and kind to all living beings”

“just for today, I earn an honest living”

“just for today, I am grateful for my blessings and humble”

Frequently Asked Questions

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